
Lululemon "breathe deeply" painted for lululemon in Hamburg  

Expedia - Berlin

Expedia it was a blast to freak out in the holy halls of expedia  

Harting suite - Berlin

Harting suite Diskus Olympic champion Robert Harting GER presents his second, artistic side. For nearly a year he worked with the kreativpool innerfields on his personal hotel suite in the Berlin Hotel Kolumbus    

Number26 - Berlin

Number26 the other side of a bank.  

Loft in space - Berlin

Loft in space the longest wall we ever paint inside.  

Hafenklang - Hamburg

Hafenklang a wonderfull piece of Sydney in Hamburg  

Pay Pal - Berlin

Pay Pal it's a privilege to work without any limitations.  

Penny - Berlin

Penny the first urban art supermarkt in the world.